Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Lovely Day

It was a gorgeous day today so we took everyone into the big yard and they went bonkers!
We are currently working on getting a webcam up for the winter since we will be indoors more. Let us know what you think of this idea.
And we'll work to get this blog updated everyday so you can see pictures and videos of your furry friends in action!

I had to add this picture of Scout and Tula investigating. TOO CUTE!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Active Day

The boys and girls today were very playful and active. It must have been the great weather we had today. Here's a video of Wickett playing keep away and a big dog rodeo.

Here's some interesting news from the dog world, the power of POO!

Well that's all for today. Enjoy the great weather and we'll see you tomorrow!

Monday, September 20, 2010


Today was Tater's birthday! If you would like to receive a free birthday daycare day like Tater did, sign up on our email list to receive birthday grams. Here are a couple pictures of the special birthday boy,

And another picture of Cooper being a cutie,

Friday, September 17, 2010

Welcome to the NEW BLOG!


Centennial County Club has a blog! Check in regularly for pictures and videos of our furry friends running and romping and for news and events. Here's a video to hold you off till tomorrow...

Thank you to all our customers who trust us with their companions. We greatly appreciate all your support!
